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Brick and Mortar Restoration Tuckpointing Repointing

The AAS Perth Brick Mortar Repairs Team, otherwise known as tuckpointing or repointing, specialise in Professional Mortar Replacement here in Perth. We remove the old, deteriorating and decayed mortar and replace it with new mortar. These works give can give old, deteriorating buildings a fresh new look and restore help to restore the buildings structure to its original integrity.

Through surveying your affected areas, identifying a problem and following tried and true processes, the team at AAS demonstrates its capability in delivering highly efficient brick restoration and brick repointing in Perth.

Tuckpointing Perth

AAS are professionals at providing tuckpointing in Perth. When the AAS Team carries out a tuckpointing job, two different mortar colours are used to replace the original mortar. Tuckpointing follows a general framework which uses one mortar colour that is the same as the brickwork and another mortar that is a contrast colour. This disguises unevenly shaped or spaced bricks, consequently giving the impression of clean and fine joints and bricks that are unvarying in size. The end result of this process is the appearance of perfectly gauged brickwork. Touchpointing is a highly specialised craft that requires a professional team. At AAS, quality tuckpointing is assured due to our competent and thoroughly trained team.

Brick repointing Perth

AAS can carry out repointing work and brick restoration in Perth. This is necessary when the existing mortar has deteriorated and decayed due to reasons such as old age, erosion from weather or a poor mix of the original mortar.

Dust falling out of the mortar joints is a visible sign that walls need repointing.

The required works for repointing the joints are:

  • Scraping out old mortar 20-25mm deep with a machinery and vacuum system
  • Making up and then injecting the appropriate mortar mix into the brick joints;
  • Finish the joints to the original or desired style;
  • When then finish the job by high-presure cleaning the brickwork.

For an obligation-free quote on a tuckpointing and/or brick restoration job, please complete the form below

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